Monday, December 6, 2010

Carey Price, Josh Gorges and Maxim Lapierre In Person!

There was a free autograph signing for this trio of Montreal Canadiens' in Montreal yesterday.  Everyone received a free autographed lithograph, and you could pay an extra $31 for a ticket which got you one autograph from each player.  This was an amazing deal and we were planning going to this when we heard about it in September.  All 3 players were very courteous and signed great autographs for everyone.  They had to be signing for over 3 hours.
This was the free lithograph signed by all 3.

Josh Gorges signed this 8x10 and hockey card.  He said he hated those visors and didn't know why he stopped wearing one, and no wears one again.
Maxim Lapierre signed this 8x10 and hockey card.
I bought a Canadiens' official game puck and had Lapierre and Gorges sign it in gold paint pen.

Now for the star of the far as I am concerned.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge fan of Carey Price.  I always have been.  I said all summer long that he is an amazing goalie.  The Habs didn't play that great in front of him last year.  If they traded him instead of Halak, it probably would have ranked up there with the Roy trade as being the worst in the history of the Canadiens.  Anyways, I got him to sign 2 jerseys and a McFarlane base for me.  I am so happy to add this stuff to my collection!  I must have looked like a dealer up there, but this stuff is all going up on the wall.


  1. wow. I am soooooooo jealous right now.

  2. Great deal, good for you. I was waiting as I read it to see a jersey and to see two? Ada Boy!

  3. I had to get a jersey signed. Price is my absolute favorite player. I already had a bunch of his autographs. Some I mailed to him, some I bought. I had not met him in person. He seems really nice and was interacting with the kids in line. Its nice to see superstars, do public signings like this and not for ridiculous amounts of money. This was $31 per signature and it all went to charity. I just got notice that he is doing another in February, so I may go to that one too.


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